House rules

Our house rules

Before you visit Saunaclub Le Grand, it is useful to read through our house rules. This contains important information and rules. Once you have read through our house rules, you are all set to enter our sauna club

  1. Entry only from 18 years of age. If in doubt, you may be asked for your proof of identity.
  2. You must be able to identify yourself with a valid ID upon entry.
  3. Wearing a bathrobe and slippers is compulsory at Saunaclub Le Grand. You will be handed these upon entry.
  4. Visitors should behave with respect. This means at least:

    a. Respect for other guests, the ladies, other attendees and the staff of Saunaclub Le Grand
    b. No form or expression of racism
    c. No form or expression of discrimination
    d. No form or expression of aggression, violence, coercion, (sexual) harassment or threats.

    Violation of one or more of the above points may lead to immediate
    removal from Saunaclub Le Grand.

  5. Possessing-, using- or dealing drugs is strictly prohibited.
  6. Weapons - which in any form or capacity may be so seen- or used - are strictly prohibited.
  7. Security derives from points 5 and 6 the right to search you and/or any bags. By visiting Saunaclub Le Grand, you are aware of, and consent to, a (possible) search and bag search. If you refuse to cooperate with such search, access to Saunaclub Le Grand will be denied.
  8. Visitors strongly suspected of being under the influence of drink and/or drugs will be refused entry.
  9. Visitors who become under the influence of drink and/or drugs while visiting Saunaclub Le Grand will be asked to leave the premises and the premises.
  10. Intimate acts are not allowed on the ground floor. Rooms have been made available on the first floor for this purpose.
  11. The ladies decide on the extra services they offer and at what extra cost. Discuss your requirements in advance to avoid any misunderstandings.
  12. The ladies always reserve the right to refuse a visitor.
  13. All acts offered by the ladies must be done safely in the broadest sense of the word.
  14. Wearing headgear or other accessories that compromise the recognition of your identity are not allowed for safety reasons.
  15. All property belonging to Saunaclub Le Grand must remain within the premises and/or grounds. As property you can consider: all material for which there is no expressly communicated transfer of ownership (such as occasional event material or purchased items).
  16. For your and our safety, camera surveillance is in place. We and the police reserve the right to view and/or retain these recordings in case of suspicion of any violation of the house rules.
  17. Security also takes care of safety inside and around the premises. They ensure that everyone obeys the house rules. Always follow their instructions.
  18. Notes of €500 will not be accepted.
  19. Smoking is only allowed on the outdoor terrace.
  20. It is strictly forbidden to take photos and/or video recordings.
  21. Groups larger than 2 persons will not be allowed.
  22. Saunaclub Le Grand, its management, ladies and staff cannot be held liable for any injury and material and/or immaterial damages.

* Upon entering, you agree to our house rules. These house rules may change. Always consult our most recent version. Violation of any of the above rules may result in expulsion. In exceptional or unforeseen situations not covered by these house rules, Saunaclub Le Grand reserves the right to change these house rules or deny a guest access to Saunaclub Le Grand. Assuming that you comply with our house rules, we wish you a pleasant stay!
